Monday, November 16, 2009

coursework research

i am working with Alex Farnell and we are currently researching film openings for our coursework project. we must film a 2 minute film opening to a genre of our choice which demonstrates all our knowledge and skill in filming and editing and how different techniques are used to develop different aspects of the opening scene. so far we have not chosen which genre of film we want to base the opening on, however we have been sharing with each other the openings of films we like and techniques we may like to use for our own project, for example Alex likes the opening to the film Juno because of the cartoon effect and how it switches to a real shot smoothly. I like this opening myself having watched it a few times and it is possible it may appear in our project when we come to filming, however something like this would be hard to create and was done by extreme professionals of filming and editing, therefore we need to continue to search for other openings to base our own on. a film opening i like is "snatch", directed by Guy Richie.
i like this opening because of how the shots switch smoothly to one an other in different places with different characters and introducing them one by one. this is a good way to start the film because of the cultural codes of the audience (mostly English or American viewers, familiar with types of theft) which will suggest due to the studying of the diamond and the disguises they are wearing they are thieves and gamblers because of the poker game. we therefore know the basis of the film withing one minute and 20 seconds, which is the general idea of a film opening: to introduce the film quickly and efficiently, and to deploy action codes and possibly enigma codes. another part of this opening that i like is the way in which that at the end of the title sequence the shot returns to the diamond from the start of the sequence.

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